About Us

We’re on a mission to build the #1 platform for self-publishing games.


people in our team and growing


lines of code mixed with a lot of coffee


remote team

Our Team

We’re hiring!

About Us

Duke Vu

I run fast and don’t look back. The future is decentralized and you should join too!

About Us
CO-Founder / Cto

Wojciech Harzowski

I continuously explore the Blockchain space. 24 hours is definitely too short for me.

About Us
Full-stack engineer

Miłosz Jankiewicz

I love healthy and active lifestyle. I’m also passionate about all things software.

About Us
Full-stack engineer

Łukasz Cybulski

My passion is NodeJS/React. I love beautiful design and tidy/neat front-end.

About Us
front-end engineer

Maciej Zębala

Caring about great UX for our users is my focus. Too much coffee mixed with code.

About Us
Business development

Mateusz Fiedosiuk

I focus on delivering business for Fungies. Dedicated for self-growth.

About Us
UX/UI Designer

Sergelen Jargalsaikhan

Design it simple, but significant. I work everyday to reach the perfection!

About Us
Product owner

Natalia Golec

I love rock climbing and just everything about digital products and IT!

NewWe are hiring. Send your application.

Our mission:

We’re on a mission to provide freedom of choice for game publishers and developers.

Building a complete platform for self-publishing and distribution. Be in control of your player’s data and sell directly to them, without marketplace fees!

Company data:

Fungies Inc.

Palo Alto, USA. 2100 Geng Road, Suite 210, Palo Alto, California, 94303

EIN Number: 92-0927516

About Us
Game Web Shop

Set up your Game storefront

Sell directly to players now. Build customizable Web Shop and increase your game sales.

About Us