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WAGMI Defense

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The year is 3022. Aliens have invaded earth to steal the earth's core element: NiFe. Humans have joined forces to form "WAGMI Defense" in order to defend the planet from the invaders. The game is a battle to defend your bases and claim victory. PICK YOUR SIDE ALIENS OR HUMANS Defend Your Towers to The End. Strategically place your troops, set your traps, and defend your towers at all costs to prove you’re the best. Every game you win you acquire NiFe (in-game resource) and for every wager you make, a pot of WAGMI is at stake for the taking. ASSEMBLE YOUR OFFENSE FROM A DIVERSITY OF TROOPS, TRAPS AND AIR UNITS Take your pick of different offensive cards that include cool laser attacks, super sonic waves, and other futuristic assaults. Each card comes with strengths and weaknesses so planning your defense and offense is essential. In-game cards are upgradeable which increase their attack, hp in addition to making the NFTs inherently more valuable. EARN WITHIN THE GAME – THE BATTLE FOR NIFE Every player gets the chance to win gold, NiFe (in-game resource) and relics (another name for trophies) for winning battles and the chance to earn loot boxes that contain goodies such as accessories, emotes and other goodies usable in the game. We will also release ultra-rare items that only the hardest grinders in the game can get that will include cash prizes, special edition cards and bragging rights. Our PVE rollout will be part of V2 with direct payouts of the WAGMI token to players for conquering levels. You can expect a rollout of eight epic, futuristic maps over the next 9 months. OVERALL DYNAMIC GAME FEATURES - Multi-Chain Gaming (ETH & BSC) - Nearly gas-less NFT Marketplace on (ETH & BSC) via our partnership with Immutable X - In-game NFTs and Tiered Rare Collectables - Play-and-Earn - PVP with a Wagering System - Upgradeable characters, towers, powerups - Accessories, emotes, and customization - Pay for Progress






