Sell games directly to players

Build your game’s Web Shop in minutes, customize it and sell Steam games.|Mobile ingame items.| Epic Games keys.|

Game Web Shop
Game Web Shop
Game Web Shop
In order to fully concentrate on game development rather than creating a Web Shop, I began exploring professional tools and platforms. Fortunately, our search led us to discover Fungies!

Martin J. Repetto

— CEO & Founder, Mokens League game

Diversify sales, boost profits

Boost Your Game’s Earnings: Up by Over 20%! No need to ditch Steam sales—just add a Web Shop for extra moolah you control. Skip giving away 30% to Steam, and stash up to 90% of your sales for yourself! You call the shots for your success.

Game Web Shop

Be in control of player’s data

Selling on other online digital marketplaces? You miss out on player data fun. No snooping into their habits or sales streaks. But hey, your Web Shop? You peek at emails, their moves, even toss more games their way. Grab the reins on your player info!

Game Web Shop

Embedded payments, without tax headache

No sweat on payment stuff – we got you covered! Players cough up cash in 250+ ways: Credit Cards, Bank Transfers, even Buy Now Pay Later. Taxes? Don’t sweat it. We handle the nitty-gritty as the transaction wizards. Your focus? Just making awesome games!

Game Web Shop

Want to see it in action?

Book a call with us! – during a 30-minute call we’ll showcase all features of our Web Shop platform. No BS – just real product!

As seen on

Why should you sell via your own Web Shop?

Frequently asked questions:

Is it legal to sell Steam keys directly to players?

Absolutely. You can check the Steam’s guidelines – once you release your game you’ll get 5000 Steam keys to self-distribute on whatever channel you choose. Those keys can be activated by your players and it’s exactly like buying on Steam. When your key is sold via your own Web Shop – you don’t get charged 30% commission from Steam.

Do you handle tax and payments for me?

We do! In fact, we’re Merchant of Record for all transactions coming from customers. It means that on every receipt the customer receives – our company will be present. We also handle all tax calculations per any international country and we file those taxes for you.

Do I need to spend marketing money to drive traffic to my Web Shop?

No! Players will always search for your game via Google or other Search engines – and chances are they will land on your Website organically – no marketing spend needed. Think of your Web Shop like an additional sales channel that utilizes existing traffic to your website.

How do payouts work?

Payments are made by customers through your Web Shop. Then it gets to our Stripe account. We distribute those payments to your Stripe account automatically and instantly (you’ll need to set it up via our Dashboard or by your own). You can manage your payouts on Stripe’s dashboard: to your bank account, credit card or crypto wallet. Payouts are automatically scheduled once every 24 hours – so you don’t have to wait that long!

How much more can I earn from my Web Shop?

We’ve seen studios and games generating as much as 2 mln organic traffic every month. That would be a pity to miss those 2 mln customers who come to Website anyway! Assuming you have a tremendous game, if you have 10k traffic every month, that could be additional $100k sales in a year (if the game is priced at $15 and you’ll get 5% conversion rate).

Can I customize my store and put it under my own domain?

Yes you’ll have thousands of customization options including themes, colors, page sections, menu, footer and more for your Web Shop. Once you purchase a Paid plan, you’ll be able to set up your own domain for the store.

Latest game development resources

Read our game development guides, tutorials, gaming market reports and more.

Set up your game’s Web Shop now!

Customize your Web Shop using our gaming themes and templates. Upload your game keys or ingame mobile items and start selling directly to players.

No credit card, no coding required.

Game Web Shop
Game Web Shop
Game Web Shop
Game Web Shop