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Author: Wildermyth An Imaginative Papercraft World The Yondering Lands weaves hand-painted 2D characters and scenery into a 3D world to create a luscious, layered landscape, full of detail and surprises. No orcs, elves, or goblins here—but watch out for the telepathic insect-dragons and the clockwork undead. Character Depth Each of your heroes has their own unique generated history, personality, appearance, and relationships with the other heroes—all of which can change over the course of the game as they encounter mysteries and overcome challenges. Choices That Matter A hero may choose to trust the enigmatic wolf god, leading to a particularly hair-raising change in their appearance and combat abilities. Or they may choose whether to pursue a romance with a fellow hero, giving each of them new advantages from fighting side by side. Encounters and events have permanent, character-defining effects, letting you craft the arc of each character. A New Approach to Death Got one-shotted by that tentacled horror-bear? Choose to let a hero "fall back" with a maiming that can open up opportunities for transformation later, or let them go down in a blaze of glory to be remembered for generations to come. Fresh Tactical Combat Combat in Wildermyth emphasizes teamwork and careful positioning. Walling and flanking provide conflicting incentives, and interfusion lets you remake the battlefield with explosive magic. Multiple difficulty levels mean you can get as intense as you want to. Endless Replayability Procedural generation gives you new heroes, new enemies, new story events, and new maps every time you play. Pick and choose from a huge bank of combat abilities as your heroes level up in each playthrough, and decide whether you prefer offensive or defensive tactics, brute strength, stealth, or magically flinging fire from a nearby lamp into your enemies' faces. Build a Legacy As time passes, heroes grow old and may retire, or may fall in combat. Adding them to a roster of legends allows you to call on them in later playthroughs, creating a metagame as you build their mythology and increase the renown of your pantheon. Your Game We built Wildermyth for you. We want to empower you to tell your best stories. Let us know what we can do to make it better









Role Playing

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About a half-hour

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