Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses

Learn how Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) helps predict income and grow your SaaS business. Discover effective strategies to boost MRR and reduce churn.


Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses

Do you want to boost your Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and reduce customer churn? Are you struggling to predict your subscription business’s future income? Well, You’re in the right place.

Monthly Recurring Revenue helps predict future income and plan finances. It shows how much revenue a company can expect each month, which is vital for assessing business health and growth.

This article will explain MRR, how to calculate it, and its impact on your business. We’ll also cover ways to boost MRR and reduce churn.

Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses

Imagine you run a service where people pay a monthly fee to access exclusive music. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is like a special tool that tells you how much money you can expect to earn from those subscriptions in a single month. It’s like a mini-calculator for your recurring income!

Here’s why MRR is super important for subscription businesses, like those selling games or movies online:

  • Predictable Revenue Snapshot: Knowing your MRR is like having a sneak peek at your monthly income. It shows you a steady stream of money coming in each month, which helps you plan for the future. Think of it like knowing how much allowance you get each month – you can plan your spending and avoid any surprises!
  • Business Forecasting & Planning: With MRR as your guide, you can make smart decisions about your business. Do you need to hire more people this month, or should you invest in advertising? MRR helps you plan your budget and make informed choices.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you have 100 customers who each pay $10 per month. Your MRR would be $10 x 100 = $1,000. Knowing this, you can plan your expenses for the month, like paying rent or buying new software for your business.

Why is MRR different from ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)?

While both MRR and ARR deal with recurring income, they look at different timeframes. MRR focuses on your monthly income, while ARR gives you the bigger picture of your yearly income stream. Think of MRR as a close-up of your income, and ARR as a wider shot that shows the whole year.

MRR is a crucial metric for subscription businesses because it helps them predict their income. Understanding MRR is like having a secret weapon for success in the subscription world!

While fungies.io isn’t directly related to MRR, they offer tools and resources that can help subscription businesses.

How to Calculate MRR?

Now that you know why MRR is a secret weapon for subscription businesses, let’s unlock the code and learn how to calculate it yourself! It’s actually pretty easy!

Basic MRR Calculation

Imagine you run a service where people pay a monthly fee to access a library of ebooks. Calculating your MRR is like figuring out your total monthly income from those subscriptions. Here’s a simple formula to get you started:

MRR = (Sum of all subscription revenues in a month)

Here’s a breakdown of what this means:

  • Sum: This means you add up all the money you earned from subscriptions in a specific month.
  • Subscription Revenues: This includes any recurring fees your customers pay for your service. It doesn’t include one-time charges like setup fees.

So, if you have 10 customers who each pay $10 per month, your MRR would be:

  • MRR = ($10 x 10) = $100

Easy peasy!


  • Let’s say you have different subscription plans – some for $5/month and some for $15/month. You would need to add up the total amount from each plan to get your MRR.
  • If you have a free trial period, those users wouldn’t count towards your MRR since they’re not paying yet.

Remember: This is the basic formula for simple subscription businesses. Things can get a little more complicated for businesses with special situations.

Advanced Considerations

The basic formula works well, but what if your business has some extras? Here’s how to adjust your MRR calculation for more complex situations:

  • Discounts & Promotions: If you offer discounts , you’ll need to consider the impact on your monthly income. For example, if you give someone a 10% discount for a year, but they pay monthly, you need to adjust your MRR. This adjustment should reflect the lower amount they actually pay each month.
  • Different Billing Cycles: Maybe you offer monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions. To get a clear picture of your MRR, you might need to convert these different billing cycles into a monthly format. There are online tools that can help you with this.

These adjustments might seem tricky at first, but with a little practice, you’ll be a master MRR calculator in no time! There are also online tools and software that can help you with these calculations.

How MRR Affects SaaS Business?

Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses

We talked about how MRR is like a secret weapon for subscription businesses, but how exactly does it help them succeed? Here’s the scoop on how a strong MRR can supercharge your SaaS business:

1. Financial Stability: Like a Reliable Friend

Imagine you run a service where people pay a monthly fee to watch funny pet videos. A steady MRR is like having a reliable friend who always pays you back when you borrow something. It shows you have a consistent stream of income coming in each month, which helps you feel secure about your business.

This stability is super important because:

  • Predictable Cash Flow: Knowing your MRR lets you plan your finances better. You’ll know how much money you have coming in each month to cover expenses like rent, salaries, and marketing costs. No nasty surprises!
  • Future Planning: With a predictable income, you can make smart decisions about the future of your business. Do you need to invest in developing new features or hire more customer support staff? MRR helps you plan for growth!

Think of fungies.io as your financial teammate! They offer tools and resources that can help you track your MRR, making it even easier to manage your cash flow and plan for the future.

2. Revenue Predictability: Like Seeing Clearly into the Future

Imagine you have a crystal ball that shows you how much money your business will make each month from subscriptions. A predictable MRR is kind of like that! Knowing what to expect helps you make informed choices.

Here’s why predictable revenue is awesome:

  • Informed Decisions: With a clear picture of your income, you can make better business decisions. Should you invest in advertising or focus on improving your product? MRR helps you choose the right path.
  • Investor Confidence: If you ever want to ask someone for money to grow your business, they’ll want to know how much money you’re already making. A predictable MRR shows them you’re a reliable business with a stable income stream.

Remember, investors love predictability!

3. Performance Metrics: Tracking Your Growth Like a Pro

Imagine you have a special progress report card for your business. A strong MRR is like a good grade on that report card – it shows you’re growing and doing well! Here’s how MRR helps you measure success:

  • Growth Tracking: By comparing your MRR from month to month or year to year, you can see how much your business is growing. This is like tracking your height on a growth chart – it shows you’re getting bigger and stronger!
  • Benchmarking Performance: MRR can also help you compare your business to others in your industry. Are you keeping pace with the competition, or are you growing even faster? This kind of benchmarking helps you identify areas for improvement.

By keeping a close eye on your MRR, you can make adjustments and strategies to keep your business growing and thriving!

So, a strong MRR is a true game-changer for SaaS businesses. It brings financial stability, helps with planning, and lets you track your progress. With a healthy MRR, your business will be shining bright!

What is Net New MRR?

We’ve learned all about MRR, the total recurring revenue your business earns each month. But there’s another important metric for subscription businesses called Net New MRR. Think of it like a special zoom lens that gives you a closer look at where your monthly income growth is actually coming from.

Here’s the breakdown of Net New MRR and its different parts:

  • Net New MRR = New MRR + Expansion MRR – Churned MRR

Let’s break down each component:

  • New MRR: This is the income you earn from brand new customers signing up for your service for the first time. It’s like getting a whole new group of friends who start paying you to join your fun club!
  • Expansion MRR: This is the additional income you earn from existing customers. Maybe they upgrade to a higher-tier plan (upsell) or add another service you offer (cross-sell). It’s like your existing friends deciding to buy more things from your cool online store!
  • Churned MRR: This is the income you lose from customers who cancel their subscriptions or downgrade to a cheaper plan. It’s like some of your friends deciding to leave your club – not ideal, but it happens sometimes.

Why is Net New MRR Important?

Net New MRR is super important because it gives you a clearer picture of your business’s growth. Just looking at your total MRR might not tell the whole story. Here’s why:

  • Understanding Growth Dynamics: A high Net New MRR shows your business is actively growing its income stream. It’s like seeing your club getting bigger and stronger!
  • Identifying Areas for Improvement: If your Net New MRR is low, it might be a sign you need to focus on attracting new customers. This helps you figure out where to put your energy to keep growing.

Remember, fungies.io can be your teammate in tracking these metrics! They offer tools and resources that can help you understand your Net New MRR and other important data points. This information can be crucial for making smart decisions about your subscription business.

How to increase MRR?

Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses

We’ve learned all about MRR, the fuel that keeps your subscription business running. But how do you fill up the tank and keep your MRR growing? Here are some powerful strategies you can use:

1. Upselling & Cross-selling: Convincing Happy Customers to Spend More

Imagine you run a service where people pay a monthly fee to watch educational videos. Upselling and cross-selling are like offering your existing customers cool extras. Here’s how they work:

  • Upselling: This is like convincing your friends to get the bigger pizza with more toppings! In upselling, you encourage customers to upgrade to a higher-tier plan with more features or benefits. Maybe your basic plan offers 10 videos a month, but your premium plan offers unlimited videos and bonus content.
  • Cross-selling: This is like suggesting a milkshake to go with your friend’s pizza! In cross-selling, you offer existing customers additional products or services. Maybe you could offer customers who watch educational videos a subscription to live Q&A sessions with the instructors.

How to Upsell and Cross-Sell Effectively:

  • Know Your Customers: Understanding their needs and preferences helps you recommend relevant upgrades.
  • Offer Value: Make sure the extra features or services are genuinely useful and worth the extra cost.
  • Timing is Key: Don’t bombard customers with offers right after they sign up. Wait for the right moment, like when they’re actively using your service.

2. Pricing Strategies: Finding the Sweet Spot

The price you charge for your subscription can also impact your MRR. Here are some ways to play with your pricing:

  • Adjusting Pricing Models: Maybe you could offer a free trial period to attract new customers. You can introduce yearly subscriptions at a discounted rate to encourage longer commitments.
  • Tiered Pricing: This is like having different sizes of drinks at a store. You offer different subscription plans at different price points, with varying features. This can help you attract a wider audience and increase your MRR.

3. Expanding Your Market Reach: Casting a Wider Net

Sometimes, to increase your MRR, you need to find new customers! Here are some ways to expand your reach:

  • Entering New Markets: Maybe you could offer your service in a new language or target a different age group. This can open up a whole new pool of potential customers.
  • Marketing & Advertising: Let people know about your awesome service! Use social media, online ads, or content marketing to reach your target audience.

4. Enhancing Your Product Features: Keeping Things Exciting

Imagine your educational video service suddenly added live coding sessions! New features can make your product more attractive and keep existing customers engaged, leading to higher MRR.

Remember, fungies.io can be your partner in this journey! They offer tools and resources that can help you track your MRR. With the right strategies and a little help from fungies, you can watch your MRR climb to new heights!

Hidden Dangers When Calculating MRR

Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses

We’ve learned how MRR is a super important tool for subscription businesses. But even superpowers can have weaknesses! There are some hidden dangers to watch out for when calculating MRR. Let’s see what they are:

1. Inaccurate Data 

Imagine you’re trying to figure out your MRR, but your records show you have 100 customers when you actually only have 90. Using wrong information can lead to a totally wrong MRR number! Here’s why data accuracy matters:

  • Risky Decisions: If your MRR is wrong, you might make bad choices about your business. Maybe you think you’re making more money than you really are and decide to hire more staff, only to find out later you can’t afford it.

How to Keep Your Data Accurate?

  • Double-check your records: Make sure your customer information and subscription details are up-to-date.
  • Automate when possible: Use software or tools to automatically track your data, which can help reduce errors.

2. Misleading Metrics: Not Always What They Seem!

Imagine your MRR looks really high, but you’re actually losing a lot of customers each month (churn). A high MRR alone doesn’t tell the whole story! Here’s why you need to be careful:

  • Unrealistic Picture: A misleading MRR can give you a false sense of security about your business health. You might think things are going great when they’re actually not.

How to Get Reliable MRR Metrics?

  • Consider Churn: Don’t just look at your total MRR. Factor in the money you’re losing from customers who cancel their subscriptions.
  • Track Other Metrics: Look at things like customer acquisition costs and customer lifetime value. Alongside your MRR to get a more complete picture.

3. Ignoring Churn: A Big Mistake!

Imagine you completely forget about all the customers who cancel their subscriptions each month. This can make your MRR look artificially high! Here’s why churn matters:

  • Skewed Calculations: If you don’t account for churn, your MRR won’t reflect your actual recurring income.

How to Mitigate Churn’s Impact?

  • Track Churn Rate: Keep an eye on how many customers you’re losing each month.
  • Develop Strategies to Reduce Churn: Figure out why customers are leaving and take steps to keep them happy. By offering better customer support or improving your product features.

Final Thoughts 

Understanding MRR: The Building Block of Subscription Businesses is crucial for any SaaS company. Knowing your Monthly Recurring Revenue helps predict income, plan finances, and grow your business.

To boost MRR, try upselling, cross-selling, and adjusting pricing. Reduce MRR churn by improving customer retention and experience. Be careful with your calculations to avoid inaccurate data and misleading metrics.

In short, mastering MRR leads to sustainable growth. Tools like Fungies can help manage your MRR efficiently. Focus on MRR to ensure your subscription business thrives.

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Fungies.io helps game developers create their own storefronts or marketplaces to sell directly to players. Web2 and Web3 compatible.

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Fungies.io helps game developers create their own storefronts or marketplaces to sell directly to players. Web2 and Web3 compatible.

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