2024 Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy: Metrics and Tips

2024 Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy: Metrics and Tips

Have you poured your heart and soul into creating an amazing mobile game? But now you’re facing the ever-important hurdle: how do you get players to actually download it?

According to Statista, about 12000 Mobile Games are released every year. In the competitive world of mobile gaming in 2024, a strong Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy is a necessity to stay ahead in the market.

This article will dive deep into the key tactics you can leverage to acquire users, build a loyal fanbase, and watch your game climb the charts!

What Is Mobile Game User Acquisition and How Does it Work?

In simpler terms, User acquisition for mobile games is all about attracting new players to your game and getting them to download and play it. 

It’s like the magic that gets people to notice your game among all the others out there. There are two main ways to achieve this: paid and organic.

  • Paid user acquisition is like paying for an ad to promote your game. You can use social media ads, search ads, or even influencer marketing to get your game in front of potential players.
  • Organic user acquisition is all about making your game easy to find without directly advertising it. This means making your game stand out in app stores so people can find it when they search for similar games. Also, you can create fun posts about your game on social media to get people interested.

The best strategy usually involves using a combination of both paid and organic methods. This way, you can reach a wider audience and get more people to download your game.

Going Deeper: The User Acquisition Funnel

2024 Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy: Metrics and Tips

Now that we understand the basics, let’s zoom in on the funnel of user acquisition for mobile games in 2024. Think of it like a cool obstacle course where you want to guide potential players to becoming active gamers. Here’s what it looks like:

1. Identifying Your Target Audience:

This is like setting up the starting line. Who are the ideal players for your game? Are they puzzle enthusiasts, strategy masters, or maybe action junkies? Knowing your target audience allows you to tailor your marketing efforts to resonate with the right people. Imagine showing a racing game ad to someone who loves building things – not a great fit!

2. Reaching Your Target Audience:

Now comes the exciting part – grabbing their attention! This means picking the right places to share your game. Paid ads on TikTok or YouTube can be super effective, or you could team up with gaming influencers who have fans that match your target audience.

3. Converting Interest into Downloads:

They’ve seen your ad, they’re intrigued – but how do you get them to actually download the game? Here’s where a killer app store listing with eye-catching screenshots and a captivating description comes in. Think of it as the enticing ramp leading up to the next obstacle.

4. Turning Downloads into Active Players:

Congrats, they downloaded the game! But the race isn’t over yet. Now you need to hook them and get them playing regularly. This might involve offering a fun tutorial, rewarding early progress, or hosting in-game events. It’s like giving them a little push to keep them moving through the course.

5. Retention: Keeping Players Engaged:

This is where the real magic happens. You want players to keep coming back for more! Regular updates with new content, engaging challenges, and a thriving online community can all play a role in keeping them hooked. Think of it as the final obstacle – keep them excited and they’ll keep playing!

Top User Acquisition Metrics for Gaming Apps: Winning the Numbers Game

So, you’ve launched your killer mobile game and unleashed your user acquisition for mobile games campaign. But how do you know if it’s working? That’s where metrics come in! These are like the scoreboards that tell you how your game is performing and where you might need to adjust your strategy. Here are some of the most important metrics to keep an eye on:

Cost Per Install (CPI): 

Imagine every time someone downloads your game, it costs you a certain amount. CPI tells you exactly that – the average cost you incur for each new player. It’s crucial to keep this number in check, especially since some user acquisition methods can get expensive.

Lifetime Value (LTV): 

This metric looks beyond just getting someone to download your game. It focuses on the total revenue a player generates throughout their time playing. Think of it as the big picture – are your players spending money on in-app purchases or subscriptions? A high LTV means you’re acquiring players who are invested in your game.

Retention Rate: 

Not everyone who downloads your game will stick around. The retention rate tells you how many players keep coming back after a certain period, like a day, a week, or a month. A high retention rate indicates that your game is engaging and players are having fun.

Daily Active Users (DAU)

This metric shows you how many players are actively engaging with your game each day. A healthy DAU signifies a thriving player base and consistent interest in your game.

Return on Investment (ROI)

This one’s all about measuring the return you get on your investment in user acquisition. It basically tells you if your spending on acquiring new players is actually generating revenue for your game. A positive ROI means your user acquisition strategy is paying off!

Why Do You Need a User Acquisition Strategy for Mobile Games?

2024 Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy: Metrics and Tips

Creating a mobile game is just the beginning. To ensure its success, a well-defined user acquisition strategy is crucial. Here’s why:

Cut Through the Clutter

The mobile gaming market is super crowded, with millions of apps competing for attention. Without a plan to get your game noticed, it’s unlikely people will find it on their own, especially when it’s first launched.

Attract the Right Players

Not all players are the same. You want users who really like your game and will stick around, maybe even spend money on it. A user acquisition (UA) strategy helps you find these players by targeting specific groups and interests. This way, you reach people who are most likely to enjoy your game and keep playing. This approach not only makes your game more popular but also increases your chances of earning more from in-app purchases. 

Increased User Base

Firstly, a user acquisition strategy helps in attracting a larger audience to your game. By utilizing targeted advertising, social media campaigns, and influencer partnerships. You can reach potential players who are likely to enjoy your game. 

Improved Retention Rates

Moreover, acquiring users is just the first step; retaining them is equally important. A good user acquisition strategy doesn’t just focus on bringing players in but also on keeping them engaged. By offering in-game rewards and regular updates, players are more likely to stay and continue playing. 

Higher Revenue

Additionally, your game is poised to generate higher revenue with a growing user base and improved retention rates. More players mean more opportunities for in-app purchases and ad revenue. Furthermore, a larger and more active player base makes your game more attractive to advertisers. This allows you to command higher rates for in-game ads. This combination of in-app purchases and ad revenue significantly boosts your overall earnings.

Enhanced User Experience

Lastly, a strategic approach to user acquisition can enhance the overall user experience. By understanding where your players are coming from and what they are looking for, you can tailor your game to meet their needs better. This might include optimizing the onboarding process to make it easier for new players. 

Main Types of User Acquisition for Mobile Games

When it comes to attracting new players, there are two main battle plans: paid and organic user acquisition. 

Let’s break down each approach and see how they can help your mobile game conquer the app store charts!

Paid Acquisition Tactics: Buying Your Way In

2024 Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy: Metrics and Tips

Imagine paying for an awesome billboard to promote your game – that’s the basic idea behind paid user acquisition. You invest money in various marketing channels to get your game in front of potential players. Here are some of the most popular paid tactics:

  • Social Media Ads: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow you to target specific people. It’s like showing your game trailer directly to people who might love it!
  • Search Ads: Want to be at the top of the search results when someone looks for games like yours? Search engine ads can make that happen, putting your game right in front of interested players.
  • Influencer Marketing: Partnering with popular gaming YouTubers or streamers can also be helpful. Imagine their viewers seeing their favorite personality raving about your game!

Organic Acquisition Techniques: Growing Naturally

Organic user acquisition is all about attracting players without directly paying for advertising. Think of it like building a cool reputation that gets people talking about your game. Here are some key strategies:

  • App Store Optimization (ASO): 

This involves optimizing your app store listing with relevant keywords and captivating screenshots. It’s like having a super informative and attractive storefront that grabs attention.

  • Content Marketing: 

Creating engaging content like blog posts, trailers, or even social media posts about your game can get people excited to play. Imagine sharing fun behind-the-scenes peeks or gameplay tips!

  • Community Building:

Fostering a thriving online community around your game, through forums or social media groups can be helpful. It’s like having a built-in fan club promoting the game to their friends!

How to Craft a Killer Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy?

2024 Mobile Game User Acquisition Strategy: Metrics and Tips

Now let’s look at how to build a killer user acquisition strategy for mobile games.

1. Hire Professionals (Optional): 

The world of user acquisition for mobile games can get complex, especially for beginners. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider partnering with a professional user acquisition agency. 

Companies like Fungies have experts who can research your game, and understand your target audience. They can devise a tailored user acquisition strategy to maximize downloads and engagement.

Fungies specializes in mobile game user acquisition. Here’s how they can supercharge your game’s success:

  • Expert Audience Research:

 Fungies doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Their researchers will dive deep into your game’s DNA, understanding its genre, core mechanics, and unique features. They’ll then analyze demographics and leverage app analytics to identify your ideal player.

  • Tailored User Acquisition Strategy:

Based on your game and target audience, Fungies will craft a customized user acquisition plan. This plan might involve a strategic mix of paid advertising on the right platforms. 

  • Maximized Results:

 Fungies tracks and analyzes everything – downloads, retention rates, and campaign performance. This data-driven approach allows them to constantly refine your user acquisition strategy. 

2. Combine Paid and Organic Methods: 

Don’t limit yourself! The best approach often involves a powerful combo of paid and organic tactics. Here’s how to make it work:

  • Start with Organic Growth:

 Organic methods like App Store Optimization (ASO) and engaging content creation can build a solid foundation for your game.

  • Boost with Paid Efforts: Once you understand your audience and the game’s strengths. Use paid advertising on platforms where your target audience hangs out to boost your user acquisition.

3. Define Your Game’s Target Audience: 

It all starts by knowing exactly who you’re trying to reach. Here are some key steps:

  • Demographic Analysis: Who is your ideal player? Age, gender, location – understanding these demographics helps you tailor your message.
  • User Behavior Research: What kind of games do they play? What are their interests? Dig into how your target audience behaves online and within the gaming world.
  • Create User Personas: Imagine your ideal player as a real person. Give them a name, age, and describe their gaming habits. This helps visualize your target audience and craft messaging that resonates with them.

By understanding your target audience, you can ensure your user acquisition strategy for mobile games is going to work.

4. Set Your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators):

Don’t launch your campaign blindly! Set clear goals and track your progress using relevant KPIs. Here are some examples:

  • Downloads: How many new players are downloading your game each day/week/month?
  • Retention Rate: How many players are sticking around after a certain period?
  • Cost per Install (CPI): How much does it cost to acquire a new player through paid advertising?
  • Daily Active Users (DAU): How many players are actively engaging with your game each day?

5. Select Optimal Acquisition Channels: 

There are many battlegrounds to reach your target audience. Here’s how to choose the right channels:

  • Consider Your Audience: Where does your target audience spend their time online? Social media platforms like TikTok or Twitch might be ideal for some games, while forum advertising could be better for others.
  • Experiment and Analyze: Don’t be afraid to try different channels! Track your results and see which ones deliver the best return on investment (ROI) for user acquisition.

We’ll explore specific channels like social media ads and influencer marketing in later sections, so keep reading!

6. Master App Store Optimization (ASO):

Remember that first impression your game makes in the app store? That’s ASO in action! Here’s how to dominate the app store search results:

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that players might use to find games like yours. Use tools and analytics to discover the most searched-for terms.
  • Optimize Your App Title: The title is prime real estate! Include relevant keywords while keeping it catchy and memorable (think 12-15 characters).
  • Craft a Compelling Description: This is your chance to sell your game! Highlight the unique features, target audience benefits, and use strong verbs to create excitement.
  • Showcase Stunning Visuals: High-quality screenshots and app icons are essential. Use visuals that accurately represent your game and grab attention in a crowded app store.
  • Positive Reviews Matter: Encourage players to leave positive reviews and ratings. Responding to reviews shows you care about your audience and can further improve your ASO.

7. Utilize Creative Trends:

The mobile gaming world is constantly evolving, and so should your user acquisition strategy. Here’s how to stay on top of trends:

  • Follow Industry News and Reports: Stay updated on the latest trends in mobile gaming and user acquisition. Resources like blogs, industry reports, and social media can be valuable sources of information.
  • See What’s Hot: Analyze what kind of creative assets are performing well for other mobile games. Are short, fast-paced videos trending? Are playable ads generating a lot of buzz? Adapt these trends to your own game while maintaining its unique identity.
  • Experiment and Track: Don’t be afraid to try new things! Create different ad variations and see what resonates with your target audience. Track the results and adapt your strategy based on what works best.

8. Collaborate with Gaming Influencers:

Imagine a popular gaming personality raving about your game to their millions of fans! Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for user acquisition. Here’s how to leverage it:

  • Find the Right Fit:

 Don’t just go for the biggest name. Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic and game genre.

  • Craft a Strategic Partnership:

 Work with influencers to create engaging content that showcases your game’s best features. This could be gameplay walkthroughs, reviews, or even custom challenges.

  • Track Performance: 

Measure the impact of your influencer campaign. See how many downloads or clicks you get through influencer content and adjust your strategy as needed.

9. Evaluate Your User Acquisition Strategy’s Success:

This isn’t a “set it and forget it” situation! Continuously monitor and analyze your user acquisition efforts to ensure they’re working effectively. Here’s how to stay on top of your game:

  • Utilize Analytics Tools: 

Use app analytics tools to track key metrics like downloads, retention rate, and user acquisition cost. These tools provide valuable insights into your strategy’s performance.

  • Identify Areas for Improvement:

Analyze your data and identify areas where your user acquisition efforts can be improved. Are certain channels underperforming? Is your messaging not resonating with your audience?

  • Make Data-Driven Decisions: 

Don’t guess – use the data you gather to make informed decisions about your user acquisition strategy. Adjust your budget allocation, optimize your creatives, and experiment with new tactics based on what the data tells you.!

Final Thoughts 

In short, Conquering the mobile game battlefield requires a strategic user acquisition plan. This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to identify your target audience. Now, you’re able to explore paid and organic methods and track your progress. 

Fungies.io is a one-stop shop for indie developers and small studios looking to self-publish their games. Build your digital storefront with zero coding required, easily sell your game directly to players, and keep more of the revenue.


What are the key metrics to track for mobile game user acquisition?

Track how your user acquisition is doing! Watch stats like how much it costs to get a player (CPI), how much money they spend (LTV), and how many keep playing (Retention Rate). Daily/Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU) show how many play regularly. 

Make sure your ads work well (Conversion Rate) and give you a good return (ROAS). Also, see who found your game on their own (Organic) vs. from ads (Paid). This way, you can keep improving how you attract players!

What are the different types of user acquisition methods for mobile games?

There are 2 user acquisition methods for mobile games. Paid acquisition and organic acquisition. In paid acquisition, you invest in ads on social media, search engines, or with influencers to reach potential players. In organic acquisition, you attract players for free! 

How can I identify and target the right audience for my mobile game?

To do this, you need to analyze the audience of your competitors. This will give you a good idea of who plays games similar to yours. Also Consider demographics like gender, location, age range, language, and devices. Don’t forget to Think about the interests and behavior of your target audience. What are their motivations for playing mobile games?

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Fungies.io is an AI-powered, no-code platform that enables SaaS and Game developers set up payments and storefronts in minutes. With customizable designs, seamless payment integration being a Merchant of Record - be tax compliant from day one.

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Fungies.io is an AI-powered, no-code platform that enables SaaS and Game developers set up payments and storefronts in minutes. With customizable designs, seamless payment integration being a Merchant of Record - be tax compliant from day one.

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